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File Description ******* ONLY USE THIS PROGRAM WITH 1.5 FIRMWARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****** - ...
Langue :
- Taille : 1746.90 Ko
- Licence : Freeware / Gratuit
- Site de l'éditeur : http://www.teamemergencyexit.com/
- Note de la rédaction : 4.0
- Note de la communauté : 2.9/5 (9 avis)
- Votre avis :
File Description
******* ONLY USE THIS PROGRAM WITH 1.5 FIRMWARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******
- Change Gameboot (video)
* Change Gameboot
Copy a gameboot.pmf from "ms:/gameboot.pmf" to your PSP firmware. The
source file must not be larger than 1MB
* Backup Gameboot
Make a backup of your current gameboot.pmf to "ms:/gameboot.pmf" on your
memory stick
* Delete Gameboot
This will delete your gameboot, the games will now load without the movie!
* Restore Original Gameboot
Restore the default gameboot
- Change Wallpaper
* Select Month
Select a month you want to change the background. You need to place a
file name according to the month (e.g. if you want to change March, you
need to put a 300*170 BMP file at ¡°ms:/03.bmp¡±)
* Copy All Wallpaper from 1.1
* Restore All Wallpapers
- Firmware Tweaks
* Flash topmenu_plugin.rco
This will flash the topmenu_plugin.rco from ms:/topmenu_plugin.rco into
the flash
* Backup topmenu_plugin.rco
This will backup your topmenu_plugin.rco from flash to
* Add Chinese language(new in 0.9)
This will flash the Chinese language hack to your PSP, copy the hack
(all 22 files) to "ms:/china/". This can brick your PSP, so just use it
if you know what you do!
* Restore language(new in 0.9)
This will erase the Chinese hack! This function takes 4-5 Minutes!
* Change bootsound(new in 0.9)
At first you have to change your boot sound with the Menu Edit 0.2 from
Loco! Than copy the edit "opening_plugin.rco" to "ms:/opening_plugin.rco"!
* Backup bootsound(new in 0.9)
This will copy the "opening_plugin.rco" from flash to
* Restore bootsound(new in 0.9)
This will reset your bootsound to the original one!
***All your settings will be lost when you using the x/o changer***
- Change X/O buttons
* Swap the X/O button for different consoles (JP/US)
* Backup set. to x:/set.bak
Backup your settings to PsP!
*Restore set. from x:/set.bak
This restores your old settings if you have saved them with the Backup
- Stuck Pixel Cleaner
This will fix some of your Stuck (not dead) pixel, 20 min.
- Reset all to Default