This plugin allows you to edit the clock string and add more features like weekday, monthname, year, battery percent, battery lifetimer, and more...
Langue :
- Taille : 5.73 Ko
- Licence : Freeware / Gratuit
- Site de l'éditeur : http://www.pspgen.com
- Note de la rédaction : Non définie
- Note de la communauté : 3.6/5 (64 avis)
- Votre avis :
Description du plugin :
Read news : Dayviewer v7 : affichez le jour de la semaine sur votre XMB.
Installation :
- Download DayViewer 7
- Connectez your PSP to your computer with USB
- Turn on USB mode your PSP
- Right click on the downloaded file
- Chosse "extract files..." (use winrar)
- Choose the letter associated to your PSP by your computer
- Click on OK and wait for complete file's extraction
- Go to SEPLUGINS Directory on your MS
- Open (or create if it dosen't exist) the file VSH.TXT
- Add inside the following sentence ms0:/seplugins/dayviewer.prx 1
- Close and save file.
- Disconnect from USB and reboot PSP
Translation & Editing clock string
For the clock string, you can use these things:
- %weekday
- %day
- %monthname
- %month
- %year
- %hour12 (time format 12)
- %hour
- %min
- %sec
- %ampm
- %batpercent
- %batlifehour (battery life hour)
- %batlifemin (battery life minutes)
Example: [SuperHero, %month-%day-%year %hour:%min:%sec %batpercent%%]
Example 2: %weekday, %day. %monthname %year %hour12:%min:%sec %ampmCFW 5.50GEN-D3
If you want to show the percent symbol you have to write '%%'.
To make a new line, write ''.
If you make a new line, the clock string will slide up. To fix that, write '' at the beginning of the string.
Note: Max. 100 characters for the clock string
Donation :
If you want to thank Total_Noob (Team GEN) you can donate him 5 euros via PAYPAL.