Xbox One : voici la liste des premiers jeux Xbox 360 rétrocompatibles
par Maxime Claudel
Major Nelson
Microsoft a levé le voile sur les 104 premiers titres jouables sur Xbox One. De quoi être satisfait ?
- A Kingdom for Keflings
- A World of Keflings
- Alien Hominid HD
- Assassin’s Creed II
- Asteroids & Deluxe
- Banjo Kazooie: N n B
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Banjo-Tooie
- BattleBlock Theater
- Bejeweled 2
- Bellator: MMA Onslaught
- Beyond Good & Evil HD
- Blood of the Werewolf
- BloodRayne: Betrayal
- Borderlands
- Call of Juarez Gunslinger
- Castle Crashers
- Castlestorm
- Centipede & Millipede
- Condemned
- Crazy Taxi
- Deadliest Warrior: Legends
- Defense Grid
- DiRT 3
- DiRT Showdown
- Discs of Tron
- Doom
- Doom II
- Dungeon Siege III
- Earthworm Jim HD
- Fable II
- Fallout 3
- Feeding Frenzy 2
- Gears of War
- Gears of War 2
- Gears of War 3
- Gears of War: Judgment
- Golden Axe
- Halo: Spartan Assault
- Hardwood Backgammon
- Hardwood Hearts
- Hardwood Spades
- Heavy Weapon
- Hexic HD
- Ikaruga
- Jetpac Refuelled
- Joy Ride Turbo
- Just Cause 2
- Kameo
- LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
- LEGO Star Wars: TCS
- Lode Runner
- Mass Effect
- Metal Slug 3
- Metal Slug XX
- Might & Magic Clash of Heroes
- Mirror’s Edge
- Missile Command
- Monday Night Combat
- Monkey Island 2: SE
- Monkey Island: SE
- Ms. Splosion Man
- Mutant Blobs Attack
- N+
- NBA JAM: On Fire Edition
- NiGHTS into dreams…
- OF: Dragon Rising
- Pac-Man C.E.
- Perfect Dark
- Perfect Dark Zero
- Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds
- Pinball FX
- Plants vs. Zombies
- Prince of Persia
- Putty Squad
- R-Type Dimensions
- Rayman 3 HD
- Sacred Citadel
- Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co.
- Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe
- Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World
- Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage
- Shadow Complex
- Sonic CD
- Sonic The Hedgehog
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2
- Sonic The Hedgehog 3
- Super Meat Boy
- Supreme Commander 2
- The Stick of Truth
- Tom Clancy’s RainbowSix Vegas
- Tom Clancy’s RainbowSix Vegas 2
- Torchlight
- Toy Soldiers
- Toy Soldiers: Cold War
- Tron: Evolution
- Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon
- Viva Piñata
- Viva Piñata: TIP
- Wolfenstein 3D
- Zuma
Commenter 12 commentaires
C'est tout ???
Pour décembre:
Halo Reach
Halo Wars
Skate 3
Call of Duty : Black Ops
Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite
Et franchement ne pas mettre Mass Effect 2 et 3 c'est bien dommage !
Tu dois jouer sur PS4 non ? Je dis ça car repasser à la caisse ne semble pas te déranger !