Nouvelle version de PSPRadio, le client de streaming de radio Internet
Une nouvelle version très populaire de PSPRadio vient de sortir, un client de streaming de radio internet pour la PSP. Cette version 0.37-pre8 apporte les changements suivants :
(sandberg) Core: Updated to use socket headers from the new pspsdk. (raf) TextUI: Fixed bug where localfiles where getting truncated as they were displayed.NEW FEATURES
(raf) Core: Removed local LibPSPNet; using pspsdk's pspnet now. (raf) Core: Added new LocalFiles screen. (raf) TextUI: Using new screens by semtex199. (raf) TextUI: Added configuration items to cfg file to configure the list's titles.Télécharger le PSPRadio v0.37-Pre8 ICI
Source PSPUpdates
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