La team PSPCrazy a releasé la première version bêta de son PSP OSX lors du NEO Flash Coding Competition 2006. Ce programme à remporté la troisième place lors de ce concours.
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La team PSPCrazy a releasé la première version bêta de son PSP OSX lors du NEO
Flash Coding Competition 2006. Ce programme à remporté la troisième place lors
de ce concours.
Cet OS est gratuit et très complet. Toujours en développement. Comme lr disent si bien les auteurs: essayez-le vous ne serez pas déçus.
Cela reste une version bêta alors, même si c'est rare, cela plante parfois.
NB: * Veut dire encore en cours de développement.
- Loading Eboots and going back to PSPosx
- Loading UMD’s and going back to PSPosx
- 5 Tabs ( Desktop, Games, Music, Images, Browse ) Each tabe is clickable and
can also be use by clicking L and R Triggers on the psp to scroll though each
- Icon support as in Icons are movable and can be deleted.
- File Browser - look through your whole directory and do w/e you want with your
- MP3 Player - What would a shell be without the number one program?!?!
--- Skip Song*
--- Go Back*
--- Play/Stop
--- Pause
--- Playlist*
- Image Viewer - Yeah you know what this is XD
--- JPG, BMP*, PNG
--- Save ANY image as your desktop background
--- Open the picture in Paint
--- Zoom In and Out*
--- Slideshow
- TXT Viewer aka OSX Word*
- OSX Paint - Basically Paint for the psp!*(super rough beta)
- Calculator*
- OSK*
- Multiple Desktop Support
- PMP Support!
--- 28 Icons on each Desktop!
- MultiTasking!
- Minimizible Programs - Programs can minimize to the taskbar and be clicked on
to show it again!
- Maximize Programs - yea
- USB On and Off
- Menu’s*
--- Delete Icon’s
--- Copy To Desktop
--- Top Menu which changed to fit the programs menu ( like.... theres 1 menu and
it changes depending on which program is loaded )*
- Exit PSPosx and go back to regular XMB
Et plein d'autres choses à venir.
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Commenter 2 commentaires
qu'est ce que vous en dites
osx fonctionne pour la verison 1.5 ??
merci d'avance a+