
[1.50] Dax Ziso Loader v0.51

Source: thibob

Une mise à jour du déjà célebre loader, Dax Ziso !

- Rappel -
Utiliser un ISO sans avoir le jeu original est illégal et passible de fortes amendes et d'emprisonnement.

Dark_AleX mets a jour son loader d'ISOs "Dax Ziso" à sa version 0.51.

Les nouveautés :

- Bug corrigé d'UMD Emulator
- Soutien de runUMD pour vos ISOs et vos UMDs
- Quelques modifications plus mineures
- Possibilité de mise en veille avec des ISOs "normaux" (.ISO).
Avec des ISOs en .DAX votre PSP freezera probablement et un message d'erreur apparaîtra.

- Rappel -
Utiliser un ISO sans avoir le jeu original est illégal et passible de fortes amendes et d'emprisonnement.

Explications et compatibilité des différentes méthodes:

- Off: the iso won't be emulated and the program will exit to the system menu. This method only has sense if you want to emulate the flash0 & flash1.

- System menu. It returns to the system menu, letting you to load the game through the system menu or another loader like mphgameloader or FastLoader("Start inserted UMD").
This is one of the most compatible modes, it is more compatible than the UMDEMULATOR system menu.

- Direct load. It will directly load your iso. At the moment, it seems that this mode is less compatible than the "System menu" and "Direct Load - LoadExec" ones. Be always sure that you try the different modes to see which one is the best for your games.

- Copy load. It will copy the game boot.bin file to ms0:/UMDEMULATOR/DBOOT.BIN and it will load it.

- MPHGL. To use this mode you'll need the file "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/mphloader.prx"of the MPHGameLoader application. It seems to be the less compatible mode of all.
It's more compatible to use the system menu one and execute mphgameloader, or the modes "System Menu - MPHGL", "MPHGL - VSH Exec" and "MPHGL - LoadExec".

- Original UMDEMULATOR: to use this mode you'll need to copy the EBOOT.PBP from UMDEMULATOR (the folder without the %) to ms0:/UMDEMULATOR and rename it to "UMDEMU.ELF"

This mode will load the original umdemulator letting it to load isos in dax format. The compatibility of different load modes inside UMDEMULATOR should be more or less the same that those from DAXZISO, although it may have some differences.

- System Menu - MPHGL. This mode returns to the system menu: in that moment you can run your emulated umd from the system menu. Instead of executing the disc, the firmware will execute the file "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/EBOOT.PBP" which will load your 2.XX game.
To use this method you need to copy the EBOOT.PBP from "ms0:/PSP/GAME/[name of folder where you have MPHGL]/EBOOT.PBP" to "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/EBOOT.PBP" (it's possible that if you have one of those mods of UMDEMULATOR/FastLoader/DevHook you have already done this step).

The compatibility of this mode is greater than "MPHGL" and exactly the same than exiting to the system menu and then running mphgl.

- MPHGL - VSH Exec. With this mode your psp will reboot and after that it will auomatically run MPHGameLoader (remember, it must be in the path "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/EBOOT.PBP").

The compatibility of this mode is greater than "MPHGL" and exactly the same than exiting to the system menu and then running mphgl.

- DirectLoad - LoadExec. This mode looks like "Direct Load", but instead of using the sceKernelLoad/StartModule functions, it uses sceKernelLoadExec; because of that, the system will have more free memory, and this makes it more compatible than "Direct Load" and almost as compatible as "System Menu". The only problem is that it always will run the BOOT.BIN file (even if that option is in off), because sceKernelLoadExec fails with EBOOT.BIN. If you have one of those game that in umdemulator only worked with copy load, try this one, it loads faster and there are chances that it work. - MPHGL - LoadExec. This mode is as compatible as "System Menu - MPHGL" and "MPHGL - VSH Exec", but it loads faster. However it has a problem: it doesn't work depending on the wlan switch position. In my psp, it works with the wlan position in on, but it may be different on your psp, or even different from a game to another.

This is NOT a DAXZISO bug. I've tried to execute the mphgl eboot.pbp with other homebrews programs that also use the sceKernelLoadExec function, and without iso emulation (original umd), and the results where the same: depending on the wlan switch position it worked or not. I cannot solve a bug that it's not mine.

This mode also needs the file "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/EBOOT.PBP"

- RUNUMD - LoadExec. This mode will run RUNUMD, and it will let you load isos with it. Because of a special patch that is applied in this mode to the UMDEMULATOR core to fix a compatibility issue with RUNUMD, the flash0 and flash1 emulation are broken in this mode.

This mode requires the runumd pbp (folder without %) to be in ms0:/UMDEMULATOR/RUNUMD.PBP

- System Menu - RUNUMD. This mode returns to the system menu. After that, you can run RUNUMD with the disc icon of the firmware. You can also start runumd from the your memory stick if you want.

This mode also requires the file ms0:/UMDEMULATOR/RUNUMD.PBP and it also has the flash emulation broken.

Note: if you use one of the other "System Menu" modes and you start runumd, it will gives you the famous error of "patcher failed", because daxziso doesn't apply the special patch to those modes in order to keep compatibility with flash emulation.

- Rappel -
Utiliser un ISO sans avoir le jeu original est illégal et passible de fortes amendes et d'emprisonnement.

Mais comment on l'installe sur la PSP ce truc ?

L'installation se fait simplement. Il faut avoir winrar installé (winrar est beaucoup mieux que winzip).

Connectez votre PSP à votre ordinateur (tuto ici au cas où). Il vous suffit de télécharger l'archive puis de cliquer, avec le bouton droit, dessus en choisissant l'option extraire les fichiers. Quand la fenêtre de sélection s'ouvre, choisissez la lettre affectée à votre PSP et validez. Tous les fichiers se mettrons directement là où il faut.

Outil pour créer ou décompresser les fichier DAX

Dax Ziso v0.51

Dax Ziso v0.51 - Readme.txt (Anglais)

Source : PSPInside

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Tom Vivares
Salut langelos :wink: .
Mon iso marche puisque j y jous habituellement avec Devhook et la j'ai juste testé Dax iso avec mph mais ca me fait lancement du jeu impossible erreur 8******** etc alors que mph game loader le lançait aussi a l origine.
Bon bah je vais tester avec run umd au pire.

Sinon ca peux pas venir de la compression?
Parce que au mode de compression de mon iso j'ai mis sur 9 en pensant que ca compresserai l iso au max.
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Tom Vivares
Probleme resolu en fait je n avais pas mis les dossiers flash0 & flash1 dans le dossier MPHGameLoader a la racine de la MS.
Ca m embete je les ai en double sur ma MS , un pour le fonctionnement de Devhook et l autre pour Dax iso , tans pis deja au moins ca fonctionne :D

Donc en fait pour le faire fonctionner avec MPHGL il faut mettre le dossier MPHGameLoader a la racine avec dedans le fichier "EBOOT.pbp" , "mphloader.prx" et les dossiers "flash0" et flash1" et voila Dax iso tourne... :)
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Tom Vivares
langelos Wrote:
le mode 9 commpresse au max

C'est pas sur je viens de tester en mode 0 et 9 pour Coded Arms et bizarrement ca me donne tout les deux un fichier de la meme taille :?

J'ai meme l impression que ca ne fonctionne qu avec les jeux recent car Coded arms bloque au chargement et Burnout be se lance pas alors que j'y jouais a l epoque avec fastloader 7.
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