
Team GEN Release - Plugin Dayviewer V7 by Total_Noob (US version)

Source: Team GEN

This plugin allows you to edit the clock string and add more features like weekday, monthname, year, battery percent, battery lifetimer, and more...

This plugin allows you to edit the clock string and add more features like weekday, monthname, year, battery percent, battery lifetime, and more.


Dayviewer - 0

Changelog Daiviewer v7

  • Now you have the full possibility to edit the clock string to your desire.
  • Added battery lifetime.
  • Fixed incompatibility with AutoStart PRX.
  • Solved bug in unicode encoding: some character didn't show correctly.



20100123165703 20100123165839



Dayviewer V7 (english version)
Download and instructions can be found
after the click on this Button


French version can be found here

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