Qui a dit que Call of Duty était en perte de vitesse ?
- Classement des jeux les plus joués sur le Xbox LIVE :
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty: Black Ops FIFA 12 Battlefield 3 Halo: Reach Modern Warfare 2 Skyrim NBA 2K12 Gears of War 3 GTA IV Trials Evolution Mass Effect 3 Forza Motorsport 4 NHL12 Madden NFL 12 Halo 3 Red Dead Redemption Saints Row: The Third PROTOTYPE 2 Call of Duty 4 |
- Classement des jeux les plus téléchargés du Xbox LIVE Arcade :
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The Walking Dead Trials Evolution Fable Heroes Fez Awesomenauts Pinball FX2 Bloodforge I Am Alive NBA JAM: On Fire Edition Castle Crashers Gotham City Impostors Fruit Ninja Kinect Toy Soldiers: Cold War Trials HD Dungeon Defenders Full House Poker Peggle REAL STEEL Family Game Night Magic: The Gathering — Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 |
- Classement des jeux de développeurs indépendants les plus téléchargés :
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CastleMiner Z CastleMiner Total Miner: Forge The $1 Zombie Game FortressCraft Chapter 1 The Impossible Game Avatar Deathmatch Fortress Wars Avatar Paintball FLIRT End Of Days: Infected vs Mercs Flight Adventure 2 Miner4Ever Firing Range 2 Avatar Legends Solar 2 Toy Stunt Bike 2 Avatar Onslaught 2 Avatar Air Wars Don’t Die Dateless, Dummy! |