Yoshihiro et SonyxTeam nous proposent maintenant le SXT Firmware BFM for Developer Beta 2.
Ce loader de firmware permet de faire tourner un
firmware à partir de la MSDP. A quoi cela sert-il, me direz-vous ? Mis à
part le fun de voir tourner sa console en 1.0, cela permet surtout aux
développeurs de tester leurs bidouilles sur le firmware sans risque de
casse. A terme, une fois cette application stabilisée et débuguée,
Yoshihiro espère pouvoir arriver à faire charger à la PSP 1.50 tous
les firmwares de cette manière.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous, toutes les infos et le mode d'emploi. Au vu
de cette longue nuit, je laisse tout ça en anglais car le public visé
par et release est anglophone en grande partie.
En cas de besoin de traduction passez par le chan ou demandez dans le
Voici le NFO:
WEBSITE : www.sonyxteam.com
IRC : #sonyxteam@tsz2.serveftp.com
Title : BFM v0.2 beta (Boot From Memorystick)
Team : SonyXteaM
Date : 16/10/2005
Type : Firmware laoder and patcher from memory stick
Coders : Yoshihiro - SXT
Compatible 1.50
Untested on 1.00 (as we don't own one) if someone is willing to test
it on a 1.00 PsP and give us feedbacks, he is welcome to.
Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you
The most advanced Firmware loader ever created for psp
It's been tested to boot successfully :
firmware 1.0 debug unit (the bogus 1.0 update from sony), 1.0 retail,
1.5 retail and 1.52 retail.
firmwares 2.0, 2.01 and 2.50 do not boot yet on this version because the
flash1 is corrupted when the firmware 2.X boot.
This version is useful to devloppers and firmware hackers.
What's new compared to existing FW loaders :
- 1.52 can now load flash1 correctly (there was a bug on the BFM 0.1
beta that had been fixed)
- Totally coded from nothing by Yoshihiro from SXT.
(although the original idea of running
a firmware from a memory stick comes from MPH)
- Unlike other loader that patches like 3 prx, BFM (the SXT version)
patches them all !! It means unlike other fw loaders BFM does NOT load
prx modules from the flash unit but only from the memory stick !
It also means less risks of freezing, and no chances of bricking
your psp while playing with your tweak fw (or untweaked ones)
- prx modules are patched on the fly !
- Improved stability
- You can almost use every fw feature including music (mp3) playback and
videos (including UMD videos) playback !!
- You can have several fw at once on a single memory stick !
- Runs descrypted and encrypted firmwares !
- You are now sure of botting 100% of the fw files from the memory stick
and not from your flash (whitch means you would run modules from your
own fw
instead of running the ones located in your memory sticks, fw loaders
such as the ones from MPH have that issue)
- No sources yet, we do not release sources with our beta versions.
What's known not to work:
- You cannot run eboots at this time.
- 2.0 and higher (descrypted only) will boot but wont recognise flash1.
- there is a bug that screw the mp3 playback after playing a video.
- Some minor bugs to fix perhaps ?
A newer and more functionnal version will be released soon.
Team note : We usually don't release our betas and wait for the projects
to be 100% finished before releasing anything or warn anyone about it.
However we tought that you deserved to have some answers regarding our
actual work and ETA.
Unrar the file and put the Folders into :
On the root of your memory stick create a folder named FA
and another named FB.
copy the F0 files from your extracted or dumped firmware
to the FA folder, and copy the F1 from your dumped firmware to
the FB folder.
(yes the need the flash1 too, if you can't dump it, retrieve it
on the internet.)
Note: You can also use the 1.0 fw flash 1 directory to use with the
1.0 debug unit firmware and the 1.50 flash 1 directory to use with
the 1.51 and 1.52 firmwares.
To get Every firmware update eboot go to
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NCHYHPDF to get the dumped 1.0
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P43O6K7U to get the dumped working 1.0
Note: To run the debug unit 1.0 firmware you will need to replace
the followed prx from the debug fw to the 1.0 retail fw:
also take note that the 1.0 debug has a protection making it unable
to recognize eboots exept the one from the 1.0 debug update from sony.
Note: To extract firmwares you need to use an eboot unpacker, put the
psar from the update eboot in the root of your memory stick, and use
psardumper2.0A from pspet. Then you have two folders one called OUT
and one other called OUTX. OUTX is the descrypted fw while OUT is the
encrypted one. Then use readme.txt to create the correct folder path
for your fw.
If you wish to have more than one fw on your memorystick
create a FC folder for flash0 and a FD folder for flash1.
Proceed the same way to add more fw if you wish to.
(ex. FE for flash0 and FF for flash1)
Then follow the instructions on the screen
Cross : FA and FB
Circle : FC and FD
Then launch the firmware!
Differences from MPHFL 1.2 and SXT BFM beta 0.2
O = supported
X = unsupported
Feature BFM MPH
Loads EVERY prx from the memory stick O x
Loads Encrypted prx O O
Loads Descrypted prx O X
Loads 1.0 fw O O
IS able to play MP3s and Videos (inclueding UMDS) O X
IS Stable O X
Patches PRX on the fly O X
Loads 1.0 Debug unit fw (sony 1.0 bogus fw) O X
Loads 1.5 fw O O (loads almost every prx files from the flash :/)
Loads Eboots X X (using 1.5 fw it loads them using the prx from the
flash but if you press home as you will figure it out it will just send
you back to your original fw as it was the one beeing used and notthe
one from your MS)
Loads 1.51 O O
Loads 1.52 O O
Loads modules, rco and index.dat from MS O X
Loads 2.00 O (doesn't recognize flash1 tough) X
Loads 2.01 O (same as 2.00) X
Loads 2.50 X (not tested) X
Changing a fw file will have a real effect O X
Bypasses loadcore.prx check O X
Clean code and unneeded functions removed O X (Just check the binary's
size (after unpacking the eboots and removing the eboot pictures) and
see for yourself, BFM is a lot smaller ! )
Unload original fw from the RAM O X
Possibility of improvements from the current sources O X (just take a
look at the MPH sources you will understand...You will also understand
why we didn't and COULDN'T use his sources for our work)
Active project O X as a sequel to the point above, it's been ages since
MPH stopped working on his firmware loader.
Gr337z :
http://www.xboxrepairguide.com (The Best site for psp parts) ,
Pixel8 , PSP-DEV ,Nem ,Mike from http://www.Gamefreax.com ,
Gavroche , Nexis2600 ,djp from psp-spot.com, Mr_Dank,
Robocop from metagames-fr.com, pspet and Mame.
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