Des jeux gratuits, d'autres attendus, une démos et des DLC à gogo, une semaine bien chargée en somme.
PlayStation Plus sur PlayStation 3
- Sorcery : 20 % de réduction
- F1 Race Stars : 10 % de réduction
- Saints Row The Third Full Package : 15 % de réduction
- Saints Row 2 Ultimate Edition : 15 % de réduction
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 : 20 % de réduction
PlayStation Plus sur PS Vita
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss : gratuit
- Gravity Rush : gratuit
- Chronovolt : gratuit
- Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack : gratuit
- Escape Plan : 20 % de réduction
- Hustle Kings : 20 % de réduction
- MotorStorm RC : 20 % de réduction
- Super Stardust Delta and Advanced Star Fighter Pack Bundle : 20 % de réduction
- Top Darts : 20 % de réduction
- Little Deviants : 20 % de réduction
- ModNation Racers: Road Trip : 20 % de réduction
- Reality Fighters : 20 % de réduction
- Unit 13 : 20 % de réduction
Jeux (PS3)
- Disney Epic Mickey: The Power Of Two (49,99 €)
- DOOM Classic Complete (14,99 €)
- F1 Race Stars (49,99 €)
- Family Guy: Back To The Multiverse (59,99 €)
- Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning (29,99 €)
- LEGO Lord Of The Rings (49,99 €)
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (49,99 €) - Cross-Buy : téléchargez la version PS Vita sans frais supplémentaire)
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (49,99 €)
- The Walking Dead – Episode 5: No Time Left (4,99 €)
- Sine Mora (9,99 €)
Démos (PS3)
- Dmc: Devil May Cry
- Sine Mora
Jeux (PS Vita)
- Chronovolt (6,19 €)
- Jet Set Radio (7,99 €)
- Lego Lord Of The Rings (N/C)
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (34,99 €)
- Sine Mora (9,99 €)
- t@g (gratuit)
- Virtue’s Last Reward (34,99 €)
PlayStation Mobile
- Arctic Adventures: Brain Freeze (1,99 €)
- Bullion Blitz (gratuit)
- PES 2013 (19,99 €)
Jeux (PSOne)
- Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return (3,99 €)
- Jetpack Joyride (3,99 €)
Contenus téléchargeables (PS3)
- Birds Of Steel
- Map Pack 3: Europe (14,99 €)
- Borderlands 2
- Mr. Torgue’S Campaign Of Carnage (9,99 €)
- Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse
- Evil Pack (gratuit)
- Humiliation Pack (gratuit)
- Opening Number Pack (gratuit)
- Space Station Pack (gratuit)
- Frobisher Says!
- Frobisher’s Mega Fun Pack (1,49 €)
- DLC Bundle (2,49 €)
- Just Dance 4
- Gangnam Style (2,99 €)
- Dlc Release 2: Electrotribal/Dagomba (2,99 €)
- LEGO Lord of the Rings (sortie le vendredi 23 novembre 2012)
- Character Pack 3 (gratuit)
- LittleBigPlanet (Cross-Buy – LBP2/LBPVita/LBP Karting)
- Gravity Rush
- Costume Pack – 5,99 €
- Kat Costume – 1,99 €
- Raven Costume – 1,99 €
- Yunica Costume – 1,99 €
- Alias Costume – 1,99 €
- Magic 2013
- Act Of War Foils (0,99 €)
- Act Of War Unlock (0,99 €)
- Sky And Scale Foils (0,99 €)
- Sky And Scale Unlock (0,99 €)
- Marvel Pinball
- Marvel Pinball: Civil War (2,99 €)
- Mass Effect 3
- Alternate Appearance Pack 1 (1,99 €)
- Arsenal Pack (2,99 €)
- N7 Equipment Pack (2,49 €)
- Reserves Pack (2,99 €)
- Motorstorm RC (Cross-Buy)
- Double Expansion Value Pack (3,99 €)
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack (0,99 €)
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack (0,99 €)
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack (1,99 €)
- Special Vehicle Value Pack (1,99 €)
- Special Big Rig: Patriot Shellshock
- Naughty Bear: Panic In Paradise
- Naughty Unlocks (5,99 €)
- Rock Band 3
- Closer (1,49 €)
- Cold (1,49 €)
- Cry Thunder (1,49 €)
- Drained (0,79 €)
- Entropy/Extropy (0,79 €)
- I Can Swing My Sword (Ft. Terabrite) (0,79 €)
- I Melt With You (1,49 €)
- Jessica (1,49 €)
- Jessica (0,79 €)
- Superficial(1,49 €)
- The Consequences (0,79 €)
- The Weight(1,49 €)
- Rocksmith
- Avenged Sevenfold Pack (5,99 €)
- My Chemical Romance Pack (5,99 €)
- Queen Pack (11,99 €)
- The Police Pack (5,99 €)
- SingStar
- Feargal Sharkey – A Good Heart (1,39 €)
- The Mavericks – Dance The Night Away (1,39 €)
- Toots & The Maytals – Funky Kingston (1,39 €)
- *NSYNC – I Want You Back (1,39 €)
- Selena Gomez & The Scene – Naturally (1,39 €)
- Enrique Iglesias – Rhythm Divine (1,39 €)
- Avril Lavigne – Smile (1,39 €)
- Alison Limerick – Where Love Lives (1,39 €)
- Sleeping Dogs
- Drunken Boxer Pack (1,49 €)
- Sports Champions 2
- Golf Modes (4,99 €)
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
- Network Pass (9,99 €)
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- Movie Pack 4/5/6 (3,99 €)
- The Pinball Arcade
- Add-On Pack 6: Elvira Party Monsters And No Good Gofers (4,99 €)
- Worms Revolution
- Medieval Tales (3,99 €)
- Safari (gratuit)
- Zen Pinball 2
- Civil War (2,99 €)
Contenus téléchargeables (PS Vita)
- Frobisher Says!
- Frobisher’s Mega Fun Pack (1,49 €)
- DLC Bundle (2,49 €)
- LittleBigPlanet
- Gravity Rush Costume Pack (5,99 €)
- Kat Costume (1,99 €)
- Raven Costume (1,99 €)
- Yunica Costume (1,99 €)
- Alias Costume (1,99 €)
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
- Network Pass (9,99 €)
- Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz
- Puyo Puyo Pack (gratuit)
- Variety Pack (gratuit)
- t@g DLC
- Monster Font (gratuit)
- Hair-Raising Horror Infills (gratuit)
- Menacing Horror Infills (gratuit)
- Horror Infills Double Pack (gratuit)
- Monster Font And Hair-Raising Horror Infills (gratuit)
- Monster Font And Menacing Horror Infills (gratuit)
- Monster Font And Horror Infills Double Pack (gratuit)
- The Pinball Arcade
- Add-On Pack 6: Elvira Party Monsters and No Good Gofers (4,99 €)
- Zen Pinball 2
- Civil War (2,99 €)
Musiques du jeu
- MotorStorm RC (Prix : 1,99 €)
- Planets Under Attack
- Star Kid
- Angry Pilot
- Mad Scientist
- Electro Girl
- Blonde
- Leet General
- Steam Robo
Réduction de prix
- Valkyria Chronicles II (PSP) (12,99 €)
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - Trailer de lancement
- Need For Speed Most Wanted - Trailer de lancement
- WWE ’13
- WWE ’13 Fan AXXESS trailer
- WWE ’13 Mike Tyson Extended Interview