Nous on aime bien les plaisantins de ce type. Il s'est donné du mal mais le résultat a été à la hauteur de ses espérances. katjana a monté cette rumeur de toutes pièces pour le fun, rien que pour le fun.. quoi que. Il en parle sur les forums officiel de Sony avec les dessins originaux ayant servi au canular.
Il est évident que le petit monde de la PSP est tellement avide de news que la tentation pour un plaisantin habile de berner le monde entier est grande. Et pourquoi s'en priver ?
Voici un copier coller de la confession, pas intime, de katjana au sujet de son canular. Comme vous le savez sans doute, l'histoire, pourtant courte, de la PSP regorge de ce genre de canulars.
Maintenant sa conclusion sur le "ne croyez que ce qui vient d'une source officielle" me fait plus que sourire mais me donne plutôt l'impression d'une campagne de pub Sony déguisée pour ses forums. :-)
Quoi qu'il en soit, il finira bien par arriver ce firmware 3.0 mais il ne passera pas par ma PSP :-)
After it was featured on every
major PSP newssite in the world, I decided that
I had my little fun and it was time give you
guys an update on the new firmware.
Of course it was fake. All the pictures I posted
were fake. Those other pictures, the ones with
the TV, those look more real to me than the ones
I posted.
I know many of you are going to label me as
pathetic, which I'm perfectly fine with.
Everyone's entitled to his or her opinion. I
know I'm just not so pathetic to believing some
random name on the internet
So why did I do it, you might ask? Well for more
than 2 months now I've seen every little kid
whine and complain about when the new firmware
was coming out. Not only that, there were many
who claimed to have inside information. Sony was
definitely going to put an organizer, alarmclock,
flash player, whatever in the new firmware. It
got so bad that people were actually making
their own list of what they wanted to see and
decided to post that as an actual source. Since
words don't mean diddly squat on a medium such
as the internet, I decided to give the kids what
they wanted: pictures of the "new firmware".
I made the first pictures (with firmware 2.90-C9
(why would they name their firmware builds like
that anyway?)) to see if people would actually
believe they were real. Lo-and-behold, just
about 95% of who saw them said "these can't be
faked". Great, I thought, I'll spend another
half hour making some other pictures to see what
could follow next.
What followed was that it apparently created a
big buzz around the forum and some major PSP
newssites picked up on it. After that, some
other sites picked up on it. And right now I can
see these pictures on many major newssites on
the internet. Mission accomplished: if people
want something bad enough, they'll believe
anything that looks remotely real.
I can't believe some of the PM's I've got. Some
were even asking me if I could send them the new
firmware. Wake up people. Sony is not going to
let people take pictures of stuff they're
working on. I'm pretty sure NDA's are standard
in such a big company. If those pictures were
real, who in their right mind would take the
risk of actually showing them? A great way to
get fired and never be hired by any games
company again. Yet, the general public didn't
stop to think about that. All they saw were
picture on a PSP screen that kinda
looked like the real deal and believed it.
As for the pictures themselves, you can find
them in the links below. These weren't perfect,
nor were they intended to be. There were some
errors I didn't notice, like the words "internet
browser" still being next to the WWW and
"organiser". Hell, I'm not American, why should
I write like them, right?
The battery doesn't look real enough and I used
some standard Photoshop clipart for the "Music
Store". There are probably more, but since most
of you didn't realise it the first time, I'm not
going to bother pointing everything out.
So with pain in my heart I bid you adieu and
goodbye. Lesson to be learned: don't trust
anything regarding PSP updates unless it comes
Seriously, if Sony is
ready to bring out the new firmware, they're
going to let us know. If it's going to have cool
features (like a camera...check out the posters
around the city), they're going to let us know.
Don't trust some 3 time poster "who's brother
knows "some girl" at "a Sony testing facility"".
Doesn't that sound a little fishy, to say the
So long, and thanks for all the fish! (Hitchhikers
Guide - buy the UMD!)
Source originale de cette confession: ici
Commenter 25 commentaires
Sinon que serait les pubs que l'on nous a montrés sur les paneaux de Bus de londres? c qd meme pas lui qui a ete les posés...
Don,c un FW3.0 et bien en approche c certain et je suis pas si sur que ça qu'il soit loin du vrai avec ces trucs...
A mon avis, c t a la base une espece de Pub pour le fw3.0 mais sony est loin de l'avoir fini et va pe etre retirer des trucs et en mettre d'autre different (genre le truc de dessin...) et donc il ont fait passer ça pour un fake afin de se laisser du temps devant eux...
@+ et bons jeux a tous sur vos petites PSP
le crayon de "SonyPaint" se trouve entre le "A" et le cadenas (sur la 2e image)
et sur la suivante c'est une autre icone (avec des cercles) qui se trouve au dessus de l'icone crayon
et ca juste 1min apres (enfin sur la fausse date inscrit)
qd à l'icone Sony Mail, le gars s'est inspiré de la pub en angleterre voilà
ma foi toute façon tout ce qui est au dessus du 1.5 cela ne minteresse guerre...pour le moment !!!!
C'est ce qui m'a fait dire que c'était un fake.
De plus les 'nouvelles' icônes ne sont pas 'Sony Style' (à mon goût)
Enfin bravo le gars : il a réussi son coup : Mais pourquoi Sony n'a pas démenti : se complairait-il dans les rumeurs ?
pffffffff alors pourquoi t'as pas tenté ta chance tu nous fera le prochain !?