La liste quasi définitive des jeux qui seront présentés au salon est disponible.
site Playstationlifestyle a fait le bilan de tous les jeux qui seront
présentés à l'E3 du 2 au 4 juin et destinés à sortir sur les consoles
de Sony. Tenez-vous bien car la présence de pas moins de 80 titres a
été confirmée par les éditeurs concernés, et environ 35 titres
devraient aussi répondre présents.
En tout, pas moins de 75 jeux
exclusifs aux consoles de Sony, ce qui est incroyable. Bien évidemment,
les annonces concernant de nouveux jeux seront ajoutées à cette liste.
John Koller avait dit que l'E3 2009 serait le plus important pour la
console PlayStation depuis sa création, nous connaissons maintenant la
raison de sa déclaration. Pour couronner le tout, espérons que Sony
baisse le prix de ses machines.
Liste des jeux confirmés pour l'E3 :
Adventures to Go, Natsume (PSP) | PS Exclusive!
Afrika, Natsume (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
The Agency, SOE (PS3) | PS3/PC Exclusive!
Aliens vs. Predator, SEGA (PS3)
Alpha Protocol, SEGA (PS3)
Army of Two: The 40th Day, EA Montreal (PS3/PSP)
Assassin’s Creed II, Ubisoft (PS3)
Batman: Arkham Asylum, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2, EA (PS3)
Bayonetta, SEGA (PS3)
The Beatles: Rock Band, MTV Games (PS3)
Bioshock 2, 2K Games (PS3)
Blur, Activision (PS3)
Borderlands, 2K Games (PS3)
Brutal Legend, EA (PS3)
Class of Heroes, Atlus (PSP)
Dante’s Inferno, EA (PS3/PSP)
Dark Void, Capcom (PS3)
Darksiders: Wrath of War, THQ (PS3)
DC Universe Online, SOE (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Dead Rising 2, Capcom (PS3)
Dead to Rights: Retribution, Namco Bandai/Volatile Games (PS3)
DJ Hero, Activision (PS3/PS2)
Dragon Age: Origins, EA (PS3)
Droplitz, Atlus (PS3)
Fallout 3 DLC: Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta, Bethesda Softworks (PS3/PSN)
Fat Princess, SCEA (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Fate/Unlimited Codes, Capcom (PSP/PSN) | PSP Exclusive!
Forsaken Patrol, Teyon (PS3)
God of War III, SCEA (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show, Disney Interactive Studios (PSP)
Heavy Rain, SCEA/Quantic Theory (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, LucasArts (PSP)
InFamous, SCEA/Sucker Punch (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier, SCEA (PS2/PSP) | PS Exclusive!
Just Cause 2, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
King of Fighters XII, Ignition Entertainment (PS3)
LEGO Rock Band, Warner Brothers Interactive (PS3)
Lost Planet 2, Capcom (PS3)
Madden NFL 10, EA Sports (PS3/PSP)
Mafia II, 2K Games (PS3)
Marvel Super Hero Squad, THQ (PS2/PSP)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom (PS3/PSN)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Activision (PS3/PS2/PSP)
Massive Action Game (MAG), SCEA/Zipper Interactive (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Modern Warfare 2, Activision (PS3)
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Capcom (PSP) | PS Exclusive!
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge, SCEA (PS2/PSP) | PS Exclusive!
MX vs. ATV Reflex, THQ (PS3/PSP)
NCAA Football 10, EA Sports (PS3/PSP)
Need for Speed Shift, EA (PS3)
NHL 10, EA Sports (PS3)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Tecmo (PS3)
Overlord II, Codemasters (PS3)
PAIN: Sore Spots, SCEA/Idol Minds (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection, Crave Entertainment (PS3)
PixelJunk Shooter, SCEA/Q-Games (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe, SCEA/Q-Games (PSP) | PS Exclusive!
Planet 51, SEGA (PS3)
Quantum, Tecmo (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time, SCEA/Insomniac Games (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games/Rockstar San Diego (PS3)
Red Faction: Guerrilla, THQ (PS3)
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona, Atlus (PSP)
Singstar: Queen, SCEA (PS3/PS2) | PS Exclusive!
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3, SCEA/Slant Six (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny, Namco Bandai (PSP)
Split Second, Disney Interactive Studios (PS3)
SpongeBob’s Truth or Square, THQ (PSP)
Steambot Chronicles: Battle Tournament, Atlus (PSP)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, EA Sports (PS3/PSP)
UFC 2009 Undisputed, THQ (PS3)
Unbound Saga, Vogster Entertainment (PSP)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, SCEA/Naughty Dog (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Undead Knights, Tecmo (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
Vancouver 2010: Winter Olympic Games, SEGA (PS3)
Warriors Orochi 2, KOEI (PSP)
White Knight Chronicles, SCEA (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Afrika, Natsume (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
The Agency, SOE (PS3) | PS3/PC Exclusive!
Aliens vs. Predator, SEGA (PS3)
Alpha Protocol, SEGA (PS3)
Army of Two: The 40th Day, EA Montreal (PS3/PSP)
Assassin’s Creed II, Ubisoft (PS3)
Batman: Arkham Asylum, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2, EA (PS3)
Bayonetta, SEGA (PS3)
The Beatles: Rock Band, MTV Games (PS3)
Bioshock 2, 2K Games (PS3)
Blur, Activision (PS3)
Borderlands, 2K Games (PS3)
Brutal Legend, EA (PS3)
Class of Heroes, Atlus (PSP)
Dante’s Inferno, EA (PS3/PSP)
Dark Void, Capcom (PS3)
Darksiders: Wrath of War, THQ (PS3)
DC Universe Online, SOE (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Dead Rising 2, Capcom (PS3)
Dead to Rights: Retribution, Namco Bandai/Volatile Games (PS3)
DJ Hero, Activision (PS3/PS2)
Dragon Age: Origins, EA (PS3)
Droplitz, Atlus (PS3)
Fallout 3 DLC: Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta, Bethesda Softworks (PS3/PSN)
Fat Princess, SCEA (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Fate/Unlimited Codes, Capcom (PSP/PSN) | PSP Exclusive!
Forsaken Patrol, Teyon (PS3)
God of War III, SCEA (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show, Disney Interactive Studios (PSP)
Heavy Rain, SCEA/Quantic Theory (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, LucasArts (PSP)
InFamous, SCEA/Sucker Punch (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier, SCEA (PS2/PSP) | PS Exclusive!
Just Cause 2, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
King of Fighters XII, Ignition Entertainment (PS3)
LEGO Rock Band, Warner Brothers Interactive (PS3)
Lost Planet 2, Capcom (PS3)
Madden NFL 10, EA Sports (PS3/PSP)
Mafia II, 2K Games (PS3)
Marvel Super Hero Squad, THQ (PS2/PSP)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom (PS3/PSN)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, Activision (PS3/PS2/PSP)
Massive Action Game (MAG), SCEA/Zipper Interactive (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Modern Warfare 2, Activision (PS3)
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Capcom (PSP) | PS Exclusive!
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge, SCEA (PS2/PSP) | PS Exclusive!
MX vs. ATV Reflex, THQ (PS3/PSP)
NCAA Football 10, EA Sports (PS3/PSP)
Need for Speed Shift, EA (PS3)
NHL 10, EA Sports (PS3)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Tecmo (PS3)
Overlord II, Codemasters (PS3)
PAIN: Sore Spots, SCEA/Idol Minds (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection, Crave Entertainment (PS3)
PixelJunk Shooter, SCEA/Q-Games (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe, SCEA/Q-Games (PSP) | PS Exclusive!
Planet 51, SEGA (PS3)
Quantum, Tecmo (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time, SCEA/Insomniac Games (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games/Rockstar San Diego (PS3)
Red Faction: Guerrilla, THQ (PS3)
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona, Atlus (PSP)
Singstar: Queen, SCEA (PS3/PS2) | PS Exclusive!
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3, SCEA/Slant Six (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny, Namco Bandai (PSP)
Split Second, Disney Interactive Studios (PS3)
SpongeBob’s Truth or Square, THQ (PSP)
Steambot Chronicles: Battle Tournament, Atlus (PSP)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, EA Sports (PS3/PSP)
UFC 2009 Undisputed, THQ (PS3)
Unbound Saga, Vogster Entertainment (PSP)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, SCEA/Naughty Dog (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Undead Knights, Tecmo (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
Vancouver 2010: Winter Olympic Games, SEGA (PS3)
Warriors Orochi 2, KOEI (PSP)
White Knight Chronicles, SCEA (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Liste des jeux susceptibles de faire leur apparition à l'E3 :
Battlefield: 1943, EA (PS3/PSN)
Burnout Paradise: Big Surf Island, Criterion Games (PS3/PSN)
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Ubisoft (PS3)
Critter Crunch, SCEA/Capybara Games (PS3/PSN) | PS3/iPhone Exclusive!
.deTuned, SCEA/.theprodukkt (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Duke Nukem Trilogy: Critical Mass, Apogee (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
EyePet, SCEA (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Fight Night Round 4, EA Sports (PS3)
Final Fantasy XIII, Square Enix (PS3)
G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra, EA (PS3/PS2)
Gran Turismo 5 or Gran Turismo 5: Prologue [Spec Update], SCEA/Polyphony Digital (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Guitar Hero 5, Activision (PS3)
Heroes Over Europe, Atari (PS3)
Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman!, NIS America (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
Interstellar Marines, Zero Point Software (PS3)
Kane and Lynch 2, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
Katamari Forever, Namco-Bandai (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
LittleBigPlanet PSP, SCEA (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
MINI NINJAS, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Codemasters (PS3)
Project Trico, SCEA/Team Ico (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Resonance of Fate, SEGA (???)
Shatter, Sidhe (PS3/PSN)
Smash Cars, SCEA/Creat (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron, LucasArts (PSP)
Tekken 6, Namco-Bandai (PS3)
Thi4f, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
Tony Hawk: Ride, Activision (PS3)
Trash Panic, SCEA (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Titre(s) inconnu(s), Capcom (???)
Titre inconnu, Eat Sleep Play (???) | PS Exclusive!
Titre inconnu, Konami/Kojima Productions (???)
Titre inconnu, LightBox Interactive (???) | PS Exclusive!
Watchmen: The End is Nigh [Part 2], Warner Brothers Interactive (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Battlefield: 1943, EA (PS3/PSN)
Burnout Paradise: Big Surf Island, Criterion Games (PS3/PSN)
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Ubisoft (PS3)
Critter Crunch, SCEA/Capybara Games (PS3/PSN) | PS3/iPhone Exclusive!
.deTuned, SCEA/.theprodukkt (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Duke Nukem Trilogy: Critical Mass, Apogee (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
EyePet, SCEA (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Fight Night Round 4, EA Sports (PS3)
Final Fantasy XIII, Square Enix (PS3)
G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra, EA (PS3/PS2)
Gran Turismo 5 or Gran Turismo 5: Prologue [Spec Update], SCEA/Polyphony Digital (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Guitar Hero 5, Activision (PS3)
Heroes Over Europe, Atari (PS3)
Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman!, NIS America (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
Interstellar Marines, Zero Point Software (PS3)
Kane and Lynch 2, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
Katamari Forever, Namco-Bandai (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
LittleBigPlanet PSP, SCEA (PSP) | PSP Exclusive!
MINI NINJAS, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Codemasters (PS3)
Project Trico, SCEA/Team Ico (PS3) | PS3 Exclusive!
Resonance of Fate, SEGA (???)
Shatter, Sidhe (PS3/PSN)
Smash Cars, SCEA/Creat (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron, LucasArts (PSP)
Tekken 6, Namco-Bandai (PS3)
Thi4f, Eidos Interactive (PS3)
Tony Hawk: Ride, Activision (PS3)
Trash Panic, SCEA (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
Titre(s) inconnu(s), Capcom (???)
Titre inconnu, Eat Sleep Play (???) | PS Exclusive!
Titre inconnu, Konami/Kojima Productions (???)
Titre inconnu, LightBox Interactive (???) | PS Exclusive!
Watchmen: The End is Nigh [Part 2], Warner Brothers Interactive (PS3/PSN) | PS3 Exclusive!
L'E3 approche à grands pas, alors restez à l'écoute !
Relecture par Bhikkhu.